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7th Grade Teachers

Seventh graders are able to focus more on growing the skills they began to develop in the 6th grade without the added stress to adjusting to the new middle school environment. By 7th grade it is expected that students have acclimated to life as a middle school student and are therefore expected to work more independently and organize their time and schedules with less (but still some) guidance. In general, in 7th grade, students build on the skills they learned in 6th grade by writing and reading more complex and longer texts and essays, using more sophisticated language and strategies in their writing, studying more complex topics across all subjects, and solving and studying more complex mathematical and scientific concepts. In addition they are pushed to deepen their analytic skills in both ELA and Social Studies as described below. This work will prepare them for 8th grade where they will cement and further their skills, ultimately setting them up for success in high school.
The Guide to 7th Grade (n.d.). Retrieved from

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